create procedure [dbo].[GetJSON] ( @table_name varchar(50), @registries_per_request smallint = null ) as begin if((select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_name = @table_name) > 0) begin declare @json varchar(max), @line varchar(max), @columns varchar(max), @sql nvarchar(max), @columnNavigator varchar(50), @counter tinyint, @size varchar(10) if (@registries_per_request is null) begin set @size = '' end else begin set @size = 'top ' + convert(varchar, @registries_per_request) end set @columns = '{' declare schemaCursor cursor for select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = @table_name open schemaCursor fetch next from schemaCursor into @columnNavigator select @counter = count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name = @table_name while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @columns = @columns + '''''' + @columnNavigator + ''''':'''''' + convert(varchar, ' + @columnNavigator + ') + ''''''' set @counter = @counter - 1 if(0 != @counter) begin set @columns = @columns + ',' end fetch next from schemaCursor into @columnNavigator end set @columns = @columns + '}' close schemaCursor deallocate schemaCursor set @json = '[' set @sql = 'select ' + @size + '''' + @columns + ''' as json into tmpJsonTable from ' + @table_name exec sp_sqlexec @sql select @counter = count(*) from tmpJsonTable declare tmpCur cursor for select * from tmpJsonTable open tmpCur fetch next from tmpCur into @line while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @counter = @counter - 1 set @json = @json + @line if ( 0 != @counter ) begin set @json = @json + ',' end fetch next from tmpCur into @line end set @json = @json + ']' close tmpCur deallocate tmpCur drop table tmpJsonTable select @json as json end end
When I execute it like this:
exec getJson 'announcement', 4
I'll get a single column named 'json' with *all* my data, in this case, 4 registries from a table named announcement. Something similar to this:
[{'Id':'1','Title':'<h3>1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit a','Date':'Jun 16 2008 5:44PM','Text':'<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,'},{'Id':'2','Title':'<h3>2. Quisque aliquet accumsa','Date':'Jun 16 2008 5:44PM','Text':'<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,'},{'Id':'3','Title':'<h3>3. Duis consequat laoreet<','Date':'Jun 16 2008 5:44PM','Text':'<ul><li>Duis consequat laoreet'},{'Id':'4','Title':'<h3>4. Aenean consectetuer</h3','Date':'Jun 16 2008 5:44PM','Text':'<p>Quisque aliquet accumsan le'}]
Then if you're using one JavaScript widget to slide news/announcements, it might be useful. Just pass this returning text to the eval method and you have a fresh json object, ready to use.
NOTE: it shouldn't be used with large amounts of data since you're populating a varchar sql variable, and it has a limit. If you try to pass more data than it can handle, you'll get errors.
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